Sunday, October 16, 2011

What would Ma do? She would wear a dress!

What would Ma do? She would wear a dress ladies, that is exactly what she would do!. She wouldn't feel bad about it either, she wouldn't have to because all she owned were dresses. She would have been wearing a dress the day she gave birth and she would have been wearing a dress the day after she gave birth and all the days after that if you are counting. Ma wouldn't have to worry about any "skinny jeans" or any of the other small outfits all of us mom's are always agonizing over.

So ladies, please give yourself a break if you have recently birthed a child. I am not saying you should let yourself go and wear a burlap sack or one piece romper for the rest of your journey through motherhood but please just relax and enjoy your baby for the first year ok? It somehow magically gets easier after you hit the year mark, I promise, and you can trust me because I have done this 3 times.

Here is a picture of me in a comfy dress getting ready to go home from the hospital with baby number 3 about 1 year ago. Ma would be so proud!

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