Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Weekly Meal Planner Using Produce from my Abundant Harvest Organics Box

This lovely pie was made with last week's apriums. It tasted even better than is looks! It was a simple homemade grain-free nut crust filled with fresh cut apriums and sprinkled with palm sugar (more info on this at the bottom of the post). It is actually the first pie I have ever made from scratch! I am happy it was a success!

The Little House books describe many different home cooked pies, sweet and savory. The Little House Cookbook lists all of these in the index under pie: apple, blackbird, chicken, cream, custard, dried apple and raisin, green pumpkin, huckleberry, lemon, mince, pigeon, poor man's, pumpkin, and vinegar.

My favorite story of pie was Ma's green pumpkin pie from the book, The Long Winter. Pa took a bite and he thought it was apple pie and he wanted to know where in the world Ma got apples! I love this story about Ma, she was so creative with what she had on hand. Who says you can't make "apple" pie with green pumpkins? Ma did it and we can too. Get creative in your kitchen! Look at recipes as an invitation and then use what you have on hand to make something delicious.

On to what came in the box this week:

Sunday, May 13, 2012

100% "Real"-ly Good Chicken Nuggets!

These nuggets are so moist and tasty you will think you are at a upscale cafe with gourmet nuggets on the menu when you sit down to a plate of these bad boys!

More good news: these nuggets are grain and dairy free and best of all they are easy to make!

Ma never made chicken nuggets but she did make lot of nugget like foods: cornmeal fried cornmeal mush, johnny cakes, and corn dodgers.(pages 21-23 of The Little House Cookbook).

She was also said to have sat down to a plate of Codfish balls which definitely qualify in the nugget department. (pages 31-31 of The Little House Cookbook). This recipe could actually work with fish too but I have not tried that yet. Please let me know how it goes if you do.

My kids have always loved chicken nuggets, heck I have always loved chicken nuggets too! When we went gluten free in our house chicken nuggets were definitely off the menu.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Little Pots of Gold (Veggie Meatballs)

What is at the end of this rainbow of veggies? Delicious little meatballs! Ma would have never been able to make these little pots of gold but thanks to my amazing food processor I can!

This recipe was inspired by the recipe Garden Fresh Meatballs from Sarah of  Everyday Paleo.

Here is the rainbow of veggies I include in my version. There is a lot of green for extra luck and good health!

Roasted Red Peppers
Orange Carrots
Yellow Yams
Yellow/Green Artichoke Hearts
Green Zucchinis
Dark Green Kale
Deep Purple Cabbage