Monday, October 17, 2011

List: What I love about Fall

1. Pumpkins!
2. Going out to the big pumpkin patch to pick out and buy pumpkins
3. Decorating the yard with fresh pumpkins
4. Baking grain free pumpkin muffins
5. Sipping hot mugs of pumpkin spice tea (yes, I am a little pumpkin obsessed!) or hot spiced apple cider.
6. The plethora of hearty fall squashes to roast and bake with. Butternut, delicata, red kuri, and acorn are my favorites.
7. The changing colors of the leaves (even if this is only minimal on a few trees in San Diego).
8. The hot sun going away so I can wear my favorite jeans and comfy long sleeved T-shirts (yes I may be one of the few San Diego natives who does not love summer)
9. Daylight starts to disappear earlier, forcing me to wind down earlier and get to bed at a decent hour.
10. Halloween fun with friends and family and then Thanksgiving deliousness with family and friends.

I would like to think that Ma probably loved many of these same things about fall. I imagine her baking some yummy squash for dinner as the sun went down and the night air turned chilly.

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