Monday, January 30, 2012

Poem: The Two Sides of Two

As my newest baby boy is approaching 1 1/2 I am seeing signs of these two year old behaviors already! I wrote this poem back when my first son was two years old and I remember this stage well with my daughter too.

I wonder what Ma did with her 4 daughters during this tricky stage where your child wants to exert their will but cannot communicate well enough yet to allow you to reason and negotiate with them. I bet Laura was Ma's biggest challenge.  I am thinking Jad might end up being mine. We shall have to wait and see...

The Two Sides of Two

Want it your way NOW!                                
Only your way...                                              
YOUR WAY                                                   
Every single time!                                            
Are you aware of the                                        
Ruckus you cause?                                          
Or do you merrily                                             
Live to fulfill your own                                      
Demands and dreams?                                     

Timid at times
When you are unsure and want mom near 
Overly proud of all 
Your BIG accomplishments
Ever curious explorer of
All the things. You want to know the world!  
Ready with a smile and a hug 
Or a
Little Chat
Darling demanding dear one you are my BIG accomplishment!

If you are a parent of little ones at home try to focus on remembering the moments when they are your darling little dear ones. This is a good reminder for me too!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Weekly Meal Planner using Produce from my Abundant Harvest Organics Box

What was in the box this week?
  • apples
  • pomegranates
  • turnips
  • lettuce
  • potatoes
  • rainbow chard
  • Herbes De Provence (pictured right)
  • winter squash
  • spinach
  • dill
  • yu choy sum (similar to bok choy)

What to do with all this lovely produce? Here is my plan:

Monday, January 9, 2012

Spaghetti Sauce Stew

Ma would not have had the option to buy a jar of good spaghetti sauce but since I do I am happy to make my life simpler by doing just that!

Finding a good sauce can be tough. You have to read the ingredients carefully. Anything with "sugar" or "canola oil" is not coming home with me!  Nothing modified or partially hydrogenated is going to cut it either. I also don't want any added starches. I just want veggies, spices, and olive oil please. Turns out this is a tall order!

Trader Joe's makes a roasted garlic sauce that meets my criteria but it is not organic. I have found a good plain basil and tomato flavored sauce at Sprouts that was organic but I cannot remember the brand. I will update this post with this info next time I buy some. This time I used a non organic brand from Costco that fit the bill of only including real ingredients.

A Post about Lack of Posts on this Blog

Happy New Year Everyone!

I thought I would take a moment to explain why this blog has been so quiet for a few weeks.

I took a much needed  2 week vacation from my job as an Instructional Designer. In the week leading up to this vacation I was REALLY busy focusing on getting things done so I could take my nice break.

During the break I decided to take a break from sitting at my computer desk too. I spent time enjoying the outdoors, family, holiday traditions, cooking, and good old fashioned book reading! Well some of the reading was on a kindle so that is not 100% old fashioned but you get the idea about what my vacation was like, NO sitting in front of a computer!

The week back at work was of course EXTRA busy and I tried to catch up on everything so there was barely enough time for working and taking care of myself and my family. No time available for blogging, a girl has got to sleep too!

The point of this blog is to try be happy living a simpler life taking inspiration from the Little House family. I think Ma would have been proud about my decision to take a break from blogging.

I hope my readers feel the same!

Now that I am back in front of this computer everyday again and things are starting to get back to the normal pace at work you will start to see more blog posts from me again.

Did any of you get to take a technology break over the holidays? I would love to hear from you!