Friday, December 23, 2011

Recipe: Egg "Brownies"

I don't think Ma ever made these. The idea came to me when I was dealing with an oven door that only opened up 1/3 of the way.

I usually make egg muffins every Sunday to have on hand for the week. This was not going to be an option with an oven door that would not open all the way.

Jonathan and I decided to beat the eggs anyway.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Toddler Recipe: Almond Banana Flax Meal (Dairy, Egg, & Grain free)

Ma probably never made this but I am sure she did serve her babies bowls of some kind of  mush. Why? Because it its easy and delicious and fun for toddlers to spoon into their mouths!

I came up with this the other day when I was looking for something new for Jad. The requirements were something that he could try eating by himself with a spoon and it also needed to have a good amount of fat and calories.

Babies and toddlers need lots of good fat for brain development so I have been looking for ways to get more fat into Jad's diet. The mainstream way is to give your baby lots of full fat whole milk products but that doesn't work for all of us. Some of us have allergies.

Think Outside the Box: Baby/Toddler Foods

This week is going to be all about Baby and Toddler Foods on my blog. I will post recipes specifically made with the baby/toddler crowd in mind.

My baby just turned 15 months so I have a good taste tester for all my baby/toddler recipe experiments! Only Jad approved recipes will be posted!

Lucky for me I do not shop at the regular grocery store so I do not have to brave the "baby aisle" they have going on in there. There is a baby aisle at Sprouts where I often shop but it is much smaller and healthier so I can handle that.

I still don't need to spend money on most of the stuff in any

Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Comment about Making Comments on this Blog

Here is a problem Ma never had to deal with! If someone wanted to tell her something they would have stopped by her little house or sent a letter by mail if they were too far away.

Enter the crazy world of social networking!

It seems there were problems with trying to comment on this blog. I heard from several of you about this.

I just wanted to let you know that I looked into the problems and it should now be just as easy as pie to comment on here so please DO comment when you have something to say! I would LOVE to hear from you!

Not many people stop by my little house these days to chat, we are all too busy! So please think of commenting on here as a way to "stop by" and join in conversation for a bit. You are all invited!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Weekly Meal Planner using Produce from my Abundant Harvest Organics Box

The new box of AHO produce is here! The new box of AHO produce is here!

Sometimes I feel like a kid opening a present when I get my box each week. Thank you California farmers for the beautiful gift of healthy fresh organic food, plain and simple!

Ma grew her own but in my busy modern life this is not possible for me so I feel very grateful for all the love and time our organic farmers give to their crops. Sometimes I cannot even believe they work that hard everyday, organic farming is no walk in the park from what I can tell. So thank you farmers who sell your produce to AHO, thank you from the bottom of my heart!

From left: arugula, collard greens, & mustard greens
Here is the list of this week's treasures:

  • Fuji apples
  • Mountain Barlett pears
  • lettuce
  • watermelon radishes
  • spinach
  • potatoes
  • collard greens
  • thyme
  • mustard greens
  • carrots
  • arugula
I also purchased these lovely add-on's this week:
  • Napa cabbage
  • kale
  • kobocha squash
  • bacon
 Here are the meal ideas for this week:

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Lessons From Ma: Get Your Schedule Organized!

I am not sure where this pioneer traditional schedule originally came from but it really got me thinking when I read it in my copy of  The Little House Cookbook last week.

Wash on Monday
Iron on Tuesday
Mend on Wednesday

Monday, December 5, 2011

New Holiday Recipes I Want to Try!

The holidays are here and that means lots of family traditions which of course include special foods. I am always looking for new healthier recipes on the web. I am surprised this year by how many recipes I am finding for yummy holiday treats that I was just going to take off the list due to their sugar, dairy, and wheat contents. Gluten really does not agree with me and either does too much dairy so I try to avoid these ingredients. I don't think any heavily refined and processed foods, especially sugar are good for anyone so I try to limit that as well.

I love to cook and the time off during the holiday season gives me time to get a little adventurous in the kitchen.

I am going to keep a running list in this post of links to all the recipes

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Weekly Meal Planner using Produce from my Abundant Harvest Organics Box

We did not get a box last week because Abundant Harvest Organics took a week off for the holidays. That worked out well for us because we took a trip to the mountains near Julian CA and spent a few days at the YMCA family camp over the Thanksgiving Holiday. So much fun!

Now it is back to business as usual and that means a new box of produce today!

Here is what we got this week: