Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My Mayo Recipe

I have tried several mayo recipes and I have finally put together what I liked best about all of them. Here is the recipe I came up with for a creamy mayo that is not too lemony.


1 egg at room temperature
1 TBSP of lemon juice at room temperature
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp dry mustard
1/4 tsp Dijon mustard
1 cup of light olive oil (you HAVE to use light or it will have an olive oil taste)*

*Macadamia nut oil or avocado oil works too, I have made it with expeller pressed avocado oil before with success)

I usually put the egg and lemon juice in my food processor and let it sit for about 30 minutes so it can come to room temperature.

Then I add in the mustards and salt. I get the oil in a cup ready to pour and then I turn on the processor and add the oil into the cup with the small hole in the bottom so it can slowly drizzle in. I usually only need to let it run for about a minute and then I have homemade mayo!


Kristen said...

Oooh, yours is FANCY with two kinds of mustard. If you own an immersion blender, gently drop all of the ingredients into a container that is just a bit larger than the immersion blender itself. I, too, let everything sit for 30 minutes to a) come to room temperature and b) separate, which is important in making this work. Once everything's separated and at room temperature, I gently put the stick in, turn it on, and don't move it until the mayo is the consistency I want it to be. I'm going to use your ingredients and my method later today - I'll let you know how it goes!

Karen Dunham said...

Hi Jennifer. Just checked out your blog. fun. I went Paleo last Feb. I have a great mayo tip. If you have a stick blender, you are going to love me. Instead of the crazy and long drip, drip, drip method in the blender or food processor, you can use a stick blender. Put all of your ingredients in a short (wide-mouth pint) mason jar in the order of egg first, then acid, then powders. Insert stick blender, turn it on and slowly pull to the top of the jar. It takes literally seconds and produces perfect mayo. I totally freaked when I did it the first time. That other dripping method is a stinking pain and I have had botched batches more than once. ha. I took a video and will post to my blog eventually...I am a very lame blogger. Easy as cake.

Jenn said...

Wow! Thanks Karen! I am definitely going to have to try that.
I will have to check out your blog too.

The message of my blog is to try and live a simpler life taking wisdom from the Little House books. Since I am trying to do that myself sometimes that means I just cannot post a lot when everything else gets too busy.
Family first!

I am going to have a lot of time off from my full time job this holiday season so some new blog posts will finally be coming soon!
I will probably do one about something I make with the amazing bison bones I am getting from you this weekend!