Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Weekly Meal Planner Using Produce from my Abundant Harvest Organics Box

The box arrived with a strong smell of fresh basil. Time to make some pesto! Pesto one of my favorite ways to enjoy fresh basil. I have been making this every time we get basil in the box. I have even been buying basil as an add-on some weeks just so I can make pesto. One of these days I need to get around to planting some of my own basil but for now I am going to keep on enjoying the fresh basil from Abundant Harvest Organics.

So what else came in the box this week?

  • seasonal stone fruits
  • corn
  • green beans
  • lettuce
  • melon (honeydew crossed with cantelope)
  • potatoes
  • basil
  • summer squash
  • tomatoes
I also purchased these add on items:
  • 2 spaghetti squashes (I plan to make a BIG batch of Spaghetti Squash alla Carbonara, recipe compliments of the Paleo Parents. It was a winner with the family last week!)
  • 1 red kuri squash (probably going to come up with a curry soup recipe to use this in)
  • delicata sqaush (I roast these whole using my easy method and eat them with fresh butter or coconut oil on top)
  • creamy raw jack cheese (raw dairy is the healthiest dairy option and this cheese is pure heaven. It is Natalie's new favorite snack.)
Here are some meal ideas for using everything in the box:

Meal 1
Pesto served with fresh sliced tomatoes
Read this meal planner post for my pesto recipe.  

Meal 2
AHO's Honey Beet Salad
I am going to try the recipe that came with the newsletter this week. You can also find online here. 

Meal 3
"cheesy" dairy free green beans served with steak or any other main course item
I recently tried something called Vegan Cheesy Salad Booster and it does have a suprising "nacho cheese" flavor! It is raw and full of healthy greens so dig in! I found some at my local Sprounts market but as you can see from the link Amazon sells it too.
Wash your beans and dry them.
Toss them in a bowl with some olive oil or melted expeller pressed coconut oil.
Lay them on a foil lined baking tray and sprinkle generously with the vegan cheesy salad booster.
Bake in the oven on 350 for about 10 or 15 minutes. Longer if you like the beans softer.

Meal 4
chili lime corn with tomatoes and cream served with grilled fish
Shuck your corn and wash it well.
Cut all the kernels off the cob and put them into a large mixing bowl.
Squeeze fresh lime juice generously over the corn.
Add chalua sauce or tabasco or any other spicy sauce of choice to taste.  
Drizzle pastured heavy whipping cream over the top or some full fat coconut milk if you are dairy free.
Mix everything together.
Top with fresh chopped tomatoes and onions. Cilantro would be good too.
If you enjoy cheese, a sprinkle of mexican cotija cheese would also be a great editon.
This goes well with grilled fish. If you want to get really fancy you can use it with fish tacos.

Meal 5
squashed potato skins topped with shredded sauted squash
Wash and scrub your potatoes.
Steam or boil them until they are soft but still a little firm.
Cut each potato in half and lay them on a foil lined baking pan.
Squash each potato down with a small glass cup or the back of a big serving spoon.
Generously drizzle melted butter or expeller pressed coconut oil over each potato half.
Sprinkle all the potatoes with fresh cracked sea salt.
Roast the potatoes in the oven at 425 for about 20 to 40 minutes depending on their size and how crispy you like them.
While the potatoes are baking wash all your squash and shred it using a thick grate. It should look like a pile of thick grated cheese when you are done.
Sauted the shredded squash in a pan with some butter or oil and your herbs of choice. I will probably just use salt and pepper.
When the potatoes are done add a big scoop of the squash on top of each one.

freshly sliced melon and stone fruits
This is self explanatory. Wash, slice, and serve!
This week's melon is a honeydew crossed with a cantelope and it smells super sweet. The golden pluots taste sweeter than candy. Yum!

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