Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Weekly Meal Planner using Produce from my Abundant Harvest Organics Box

Last week more than half of what arrived in the box went right into my slow cooker for another rendition of a new favorite: Spaghetti Sauce Stew.

Here is a list of what came in my small box from Abundant Harvest Organics this week:
  • apples
  • kiwis
  • carrots
  • cauliflower
  • Italian herb mix
  • lettuce
  • mache (salad greens)
  • lemons
  • potatoes
  • broccoli
  • spinach
  • green garlic
Here is a meal plan using all of these items! I even included two dessert ideas this week!

Meal 1
Cauliflower Fried Rice
This is something everyone in my house favors.
Chop the cauliflower into tiny pieces. A hand chopper or a food processor does this well but then you have to wash it so a knife works too if you want an easier clean up or do not have a chopper or processor.
Heat your oil of choice in a wok or big skillet. I like to use my wok and expeller pressed coconut oil.
I usually add some diced onion first if I have some on hand and cook it until it browns a little.
Saute your "rice" until it is nice and soft and browned a bit.
You can add some soy sauce or liquid Bragg or coconut aminos if you want a salty Asian flavor.
I also love to add toasted sesame seeds to mine towards the end of the cooking process.
Frying some eggs in a rough scramble with maybe a splash of your soy sauce (or soy sauce replacement) and adding them to the "rice" is a nice addition too. You can cook the eggs in another pan or right in the same pan if you are able to move the "rice" over to give yourself a spot to fry/scramble the eggs.
You can also fry some diced bacon at the beginning with or without the onions before you add in the rice and this add a tons of flavor. I LOVE my bacon add-on item I buy every week from a wonderful farm, thank you Abundant Harvest Organics!

Meal 2
Lemon & Garlic Broccoli
My husband is Lebanese and I first tasted this recipe in the company of his family during a trip East to Connecticut and Massachusetts where they live.
This simple recipe is full of flavor!
Cut your broccoli into bigger chunks. You can also cut the stems in half down the middle. If they are long cut those pieces in half.
Lightly steam your broccoli, you want it to be a little crisp.
While the broccoli is steaming squeeze the juice of one or two lemons depending on how much broccoli you have and how much you like lemon flavor! Squeeze the juice right into a medium sized bowl.
Finely chop and dice some green garlic and add this to the lemon juice. You won't need much since it is raw and fresh. Save the rest of it for another day and recipe.
Add some good extra virgin olive oil to the lemon garlic mixture. Just pour and mix and taste until you have a flavor you enjoy.
Now pick up each piece of steamed broccoli and dunk it into your lemon garlic oil mixture and coat it well. Set it into a serving bowl. Repeat this with each broccoli stem and trunk stick.
Pour the remaining mixture over top of the broccoli. Serve or cover and refrigerate for up to 3 days.

Meal 3
Carrot & Green Garlic Salad
Wash a carrot or two and shred it into a bowl.
Add some diced green garlic.
Next put in the washed mache (salad greens)and lettuce.
For dressing you can just drizzle olive oil and balsamic vinegar and maybe squeeze of fresh lemon juice in as well.
There is also a great kiwi salad dressing recipe in the fresh facts newsletter that came in your box this week if you want to try that.
Toss and enjoy!

Meal 4
Spinach & Potato Fritta
Follow my easy fritatta recipe using potatoes and spinach.
I like to use the least amount of pots as possible when I cook so my recommendation for this one is to saute your fresh spinach in the pain first with anything else you are adding in. Sun dried tomatoes and/or walnuts or pine nuts would be tasty. Onion is always good too.
After you have that nicely sauteed remove it from the pan to a plate.
Then add more butter or oil and layer the pain with thinly sliced potato. Fry it well and then flip them and fry them for a few minutes.
Then add the spinach mixture on top and pour the egg mixture over that and follow the rest of the recipe as stated in the other post.
You will have a nice potato crust.

Meal 5
Herby Carrots and Potatoes (Add Chicken if you want some meat)
If you going to use chicken lay your chicken of choice in a roasting dish with a lid or a large dish you can cover with foil.
Sprinkle the Italian herbs around the chicken.
Lay your washed potatoes all around the chicken.
Add sliced carrots too.
Cover the dish and bake the whole thing in the oven for about 1 hour depending on the size and amount of your chicken.

Dessert Ideas!
Fruit can make a lovely dessert! 

Kiwi Cups
Cut your kiwis in half and scoop out the fresh green flesh with a spoon, eat and enjoy!

Nut-butter Stuffed Apples
You need an apple corer for this or you can use a sharp knife to carefully core out the middle of your apples.
Fill the hole with your favorite nut butter. We have a great organic roasted almond butter we sell as an add-on.
I have some roasted flax seed almond butter from Trader Joe's on hand so I will be using that.
This works best if you can wrap them in plastic or store them in a container and then pop them in the fridge for a few hours before eating. This helps keep the nut butter from oozing out on your hand as you eat.

Happy Cooking and Eating!

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