I wonder what Ma did with her 4 daughters during this tricky stage where your child wants to exert their will but cannot communicate well enough yet to allow you to reason and negotiate with them. I bet Laura was Ma's biggest challenge. I am thinking Jad might end up being mine. We shall have to wait and see...
The Two Sides of Two
Want it your way NOW!
Only your way...
Every single time!
Are you aware of the
Ruckus you cause?
Or do you merrily
Live to fulfill your own
Demands and dreams?
Timid at times
When you are unsure and want mom near
Overly proud of all
Your BIG accomplishments
Ever curious explorer of
All the things. You want to know the world!
Ready with a smile and a hug
Or a
Little Chat
Darling demanding dear one you are my BIG accomplishment!
If you are a parent of little ones at home try to focus on remembering the moments when they are your darling little dear ones. This is a good reminder for me too!