Monday, December 5, 2011

New Holiday Recipes I Want to Try!

The holidays are here and that means lots of family traditions which of course include special foods. I am always looking for new healthier recipes on the web. I am surprised this year by how many recipes I am finding for yummy holiday treats that I was just going to take off the list due to their sugar, dairy, and wheat contents. Gluten really does not agree with me and either does too much dairy so I try to avoid these ingredients. I don't think any heavily refined and processed foods, especially sugar are good for anyone so I try to limit that as well.

I love to cook and the time off during the holiday season gives me time to get a little adventurous in the kitchen.

I am going to keep a running list in this post of links to all the recipes
I want to try in the near future. Keep checking this post over the next two weeks for new links.

If you find anything that you think I will like please put the link in a comment. If you try making any of these recipes I would love to hear from you!

Paleo Pumpkin Bread  from
I just made Elana's Paleo Banana Bread last week and it was gone by lunch time! I added some dark chocolate chunks to it to make it more like the recipe I used to make all the time back when I was eating wheat.

Paleo Monkey Bread from
I just took a overnight trip with my husband a few weeks ago that included a stop at Dudley's Bread Bakery. We saw fresh loaves of monkey bread there and it looked GOOD. I have never had monkey bread and I decided I better never try it because I already have enough wheat temptations to overcome. Then Stacy and Matt came up with a grain free recipe for monkey bread so I think I may just have to give it a try!

Dairy Free Candy Cane Ice Cream from
Candy Cane ice cream that is dairy free? At this the list of reasons I have an ice cream maker on my amazon wish list!

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